Legionella Aberdeen

Legionella Aberdeen

Legionella Risk Assessments for properties in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

Legionella Aberdeen

Legionella Risk Assessments for properties in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire


These terms of services cover the primary services provided by Jireh Property Services Ltd , who also trades as Legionella Aberdeen.

Energy Performance Certificate

The survey involves room and wall thickness measurement and observation of the property features such as wall & floor construction, space heating, water heating, glazing, lighting and insulation.  For properties with a pitched roof above access will be required into the attic space.  Where building development / insulation features post original build have occurred and are not visible, documentary evidence to be provided (e.g. building warrant). For audit purposes various photos are taken, although none will be published in the public domain.

Where SAP score is borderline on a Band rating initial advice will be given on potential “low cost” improvements to raise the score. For properties not meeting pending minimum energy efficiency Band ratings more detail modelling may be undertaken as an additional scope.

Legionella Risk Assessment

The survey determines the type of the hot and cold water systems; water storage condition; water temperature measurements; shower head condition; and identification of dead legs and little used outlets in which bacteria growth may occur, with photos taken of key features which will be included in the report.

The assessment includes a check on scalding risk and makes a judgement call on non-compliance aspects, whilst water sampling and testing is not a requirement for domestic type systems.

The professionally prepared report will detail the results from the survey along with observations.  It will include risk ranked recommendations and a recommended control programm providing advice for tenants and landlords.  A system sketch is also included. For unvented systems confirmed Low Risk, an assessment validity of 10 years is offered, with five years for vented systems.

PAT Testing

PAT testing includes visual and where the plug is accessible electrical checking of appliances. The visual check includes checking the fuse rating and where removable cover the cord retention and terminal tightness. Where defects found these are rectified. Electrical checks are carried out using an in-calibration Seaward PrimeTest 250 which allows lower voltage testing of surge protected items and powered leakage testing, as typically required on washing machines. For multi-outlet extension leads each socket is tested, as are both sides of 4-slice toasters, with the maximum test result recorded.

The test report includes the Tester details, identifies each item and records the numerical test results, with explanatory notes as appropriate. For general domestic items within single-let properties the certificate is valid for two years, whilst if only stationary items five years is offered.

Reports and Payment

Reports and an invoice for payment are issued via email, with payment via BACS within 7 days preferred.